Friday, 20 May 2011

Battle Report!

It's time! As far as I can tell, the first full Super Dungeon Explore battle report!

We played three games in total, but I'm using just the most interesting. It's of note that each game was completely different, exciting, fun, and three complete newcomers to the game went away massively impressed with the system! Also please bear in mind that this was everyones first game, so lessons were learned swiftly!

On with the show!

Level 1!

The Dwarf (played by Jim) and the Elf (played by Sue) find themselves in the Haunted Forest, which is riddled with Kobolds! The Dark Consul (played by Ben) seeks to halt their passage, while I sort of oversee the game and check the rules where necessary.


The dark Consul places the Spawning points in the Northeast and Southwest rooms, while the heroes begin in the centre room. The chests are, predictably, well guarded in the spawn rooms.

The kobolds spawn, a dragon priest and knucklehead in the NE room, two gougers and two Knuckleheads in the SW room.

Turn 1! Go!

Jim sends his dwarf frothing at the mouth and swinging his axe into the SW room. Using his cleave special attack, he cuts down three kobolds in one swing! Bonus points! He turns to the remaining gouger and attempts a taunt, but fails.

The Kobolds get a chance to retaliate, the Dragon Priest starts aggressively by lining up with the central room and firing off a volley of magical missiles, scoring two wounds on the hapless elf! The knucklehead moves to support, but is too far away to attack anything.

Sue sent her Elf down to help the dwarf in the SW room, taking aim and executing a sparkle burst special attack, scoring a wound on the gouger and the spawning point, but essentially, the gouger drops a heart, replenishing the Elfs health slightly. A further shot at the well fails to hit the mark.

With no kobolds left to activate, the heroes use their five loot tokens to draw a loot card. Sue draws a rune of meditation which is given to the Elf, granting her a bonus red dice to her will. 

Turn 2.

Firstly, Ben spawns a pair of burly Ironscales from the SW well, and two flingers and two knuckleheads from the NE. Learning from the dwarfs cleave attack, he spaces them out to avoid distaster. 

The Elfs new rune helps the heroes win first turn, and the dwarf makes short work of the first Ironscale. However a couple of bad rolls leave the second kobold standing!

The remaining ironscale began an onslaught against the dwarf, but nothing hits home. Sensing the SW room is doomed, he retreats the Ironscale into the W room to rejoin the kobolds heading for the centre room. In the NE room, the knuckleheads began to mob up around the dragonpriest, one of their number venturing into the central room.

Sue sent her Elf nimbly skipping around the Ironscale, lining up with the well and unleashing a volley. Her luck was in and two shots hit home, somehow managing to collapse the well and prevent any further pesky kobolds from emerging from it! She has just enough movement to finish up next to the chest.

With not much to do, Ben concentrates on how he will defend the NE room.

Once again the heroes have killed enough to earn a loot card, which is drawns as a rune of hot,hot,hot! Most importantly, the Elf opens the treasure chest. With a suitable sound effect, she finds the sword of alacrity! Both are equipped to the dwarf, meaning that he now attacks with four action points, two red dice, three blue, and fire attacks! Pretty mighty!

Turn 3

With his spawning cut down to only four skulls, Ben brings forth a pair of gougers and an Ironscale. Again the Elf seizes the initiative, and allows the dwarf to go first.

Now an absolute killing machine, the dwarf charges through the W and central rooms, slaying an Ironscale, two knuckleheads and a Flinger! Jim makes the fatal mistake of saying "the dwarf is awesome, there's no stopping him!" Bad move.

His almighty charge has left the Dwarf overextended, and the last determined flinger scores a wound with his hot pot attack. The dwarfs beard catches fire in spectacular fashion! The dragon priest scores a further wound with his magic missiles, and with his last action point casts dragon rage.

The Elf is sadly too far away to be of any use this turn, and can't even get into line of sight to use her the herbalist ability to extinguish the dwarfs flaming beard.

Turn 4.

With Ben spawning a few extra kobolds, the heroes once again win the initiative.

The dwarf charges in, slaying left right and centre, but Ben has learnt from his earlier mistake and spread the kobolds out, limiting the deadliness if Jims cleave attack. Despite scoring many wounds, he retrieves only one heart, relieved that his dwarf is no longer aflame. 

Ben activates the dragon priest, failing with his magic missiles and once again whipping the kobolds up into a frenzy with dragon rage. 

The Elf runs to the NW room and sparkle bursts the kobolds, dissapointingly only killing a gouger. A single shot scores a wound on the dragon priest, but now the dwarf is surrounded by a gang of angry kobolds!

Ben makes full use of the mob rule, some kobolds attacking with up to 6 blue dice! The wounds roll in, and finally the Ironscale looks to make his final attack. He rolls high, and the dwarfs defence fails! Jims poor dwarf, whom he had so recently applauded as 'unstoppable' falls down dead, flashes a few times, then dissapears, in true 8bit fashion.

The game has turned! The Elf draws a rune of strength, which isn't entirely helpful to her.

Turn 5.

Ben spawns a flinger and s couple of gougers. Sue looks at the table and realises that Ben can spawn faster than she can kill. Winning the initiative for a fourth time in a row, she decides to take a desperate gambit. Dodging in and out of Kobolds, she lines up with the well and unleashes another volley. It's a disaster though, and only one finds it's mark! Terrible!

With his entire force ready to use, Bens kobolds close in, and with a combination of dragon rage, mobbing, and hot pots, he cuts the poor Elf down where she stands. 

The heroes have failed! The Dark Consul practices his evil laugh, and retires to plan his next dastardly scheme! Well done to Ben, comiserations to Jim and Sue!

If there were any rules errors let me know, but hope you enjoyed!        


  1. Most excellent! I am currently panting up my mob of kobolds and heroes :D

  2. This is truly epic work sir, thanks for your contribution to our growing community - John

  3. I want games like that! I love your painted minis
