Saturday 30 April 2011

Mage and dwarf finished!

phew! I've been struggling with these guys for a few days. I find that when it gets to that stage, you just have to finish them off and hope for the best. They're not my favouritee, but they're good enough for the gaming table. The camera hasn't picked up the hue of the beard very well, you'll have to take my word that it's VERY ginger!

In the theme of old computer and board games, each character has a main colour (I.e paladin blue, elf green, Mage purple etc). The dwarf was the hardest, but I used oranges to highlight the browns, and the orange gem in his helm to give him a nice orange theme

for some reason the mages face just didn't want to finish off nicely. Still, I like her purple, and can't wait to try them all out in different combos!

My next project I wanna save up till it's completed, but I'm very excited about it!

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