Friday 18 February 2011

A change of plan, then...

So, the magnets didn't work out, proving to be too effective! So I've spent some time rethinking the design, and I've decided to borrow a few ideas from tile-based dungeons. Basically, I'll be making the dungeon in pieces. Each piece will either be a floor, a doorway, or a wall.

This has a few benefits. The first, is that the Walls are purely decorative. I can begin to play as soon as the floors and doorways are done, and make the wallpieces later. Also, the pieces are smaller and easily stored. Imagine a little bit like the warhammer quest tiles, but the doors are more substantial

the only downside is that when new dungeon plans are released, I'll need to make more tiles. In time though, I'll just have a bigger and more versatile set, so not the end of the world.

so I've cast enough pieces to make one of the floor sections. For the demo board, I'll need
Three 6x5 tiles, three 5x5 tiles, two 6x4 tiles, one 5x4 tile and 8 doorways. Here is a 6x5 tile (not glued or fixed to a board yet)

and if I set the board up the rooms will be separated by doorways (hopefully a bit nicer than this one)

I think I need to make another 40 casts for enough pieces, so I best get casting!

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